Dental Month


While calculus (Tartar) and halitosis (mouth odor) are symptoms of dental disease that are easily observed in our pets, other conditions such as periodontal disease, tooth fractures, resorption of teeth, plaque and root exposure generally require the use of a dental probe or intraoral radiographs to identify, which requires the animal to be anesthetized.

In addition to pain or discomfort which can lead to drooling, pain on eating or avoidance of food, and on to weight loss and dehydration, oral disease can be a source of bacterial spread through the blood stream to vial organs such as the heart, kidneys and liver.


In order to allow our pet owners choices and the ability to tailor our procedures to their budget, we provide options regarding the services included with the dental. All dentals are conducted with the animal under general anesthesia, with a tracheal tube in place and gas anesthetic administered, that being the safest method available. Optional services include pre-anesthetic bloodwork, dental radiographs, IV fluids and laser therapy. Our staff will be happy to discuss the indications and costs of each of theses options.

Once safely anesthetized your pets teeth will be carefully examined, with probing of each tooth to expose pockets of decay, fractures or root exposure. The teeth are then ultrasonically scaled and polished, followed by a fluoride treatment. Dental X-rays and necessary extractions are performed prior to scaling and polishing.Throughout the procedure monitoring equipment is in use to carefully oversee your pets heart rate and rhythm, oxygen level and breathing rate.


Studies have shown that poor dental health can have life-shortening impacts on your animal through spread of bacterial disease. Also dental pain can be a serious detriment to quality of life. Not to mention the benefit you as the owner will find with better smelling breath.    

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